To make things fair for everyone, there are a few simple rules regarding the sale of cavies at our shows.
- Only members may sell cavies or anything else at shows
- Only purebred cavies may be sold. They may be pet quality in that they are mis-marked, have foreign hairs, lack rosettes or the rosettes are out of alignment (Abyssinians) and so forth but they should be a recognised breed. No crossbreeds.
- The minimum sale price for cavies at shows is $30 each whether show, breeder or pet, sow or boar.
- Sellers should provide a box for the cavy to go home in, a sample of food it has been eating, a leaflet or booklet on its care (Basic Cavy Care booklets are available to members for 70c each and are ideal for this purpose) and your contact details and a date of birth.
- Sales to be restricted to your own table please be courteous of other members sales.